Updated IGRF and Geomagnetic coordinates Updated IGRF and Geomagnetic coordinates Updated IGRF and Geomagnetic coordinates on Fri May 10 07:28:49 UTC 2013 Updated IGRF and Geomagnetic coordinates on Mon May 13 01:40:33 UTC 2013 Updated z-offsets on Mon May 13 01:41:43 UTC 2013 Entry added on Mon May 13 06:38:13 UTC 2013 This is a test message _________________________________________ Entry added on Mon May 13 06:40:15 UTC 2013 This is a test message _________________________________________ Entry added on Mon May 13 06:43:38 UTC 2013 This is a test message _________________________________________ Removed zoffset of -200 nT at 0010UT 17/5/2013 RM ------------------------------------------------ Entry added on Wed Jun 26 08:22:39 UTC 2013 Mofifications to software giving baseline shift from 00UT on 26/6/2013 _________________________________________ Entry added on Fri Jun 28 06:17:54 UTC 2013 Software updates created offset changes 00UT _________________________________________ Entry added on Wed Oct 12 00:41:46 UTC 2016 Updated IGRF and geomagnetic coordinates. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 Sep 2023 (JY) The Norfolk Island magnetometer has been out of service since 2017/12/13. Work is ongoing to return the magnetometer to service, with a new data acquisition system scheduled to be installed on 2023/09/13. System: MDAS v1.0 Sensor: Bartington Mag03 Data Acquisition System: MDAS v1.0 Logging software: BECA v1.0 Operator: Bureau of Meteorology Station: Norfolk Island Station Code: NLK IUWDS Station Code: 87301 Sensor Orientation: HDZ Data type identifier: K Coordinates: -29.04078, 167.96272, 143 m ASL Sampling Frequency: 5 Hz The sampling frequency is changing to 5 Hz from 1 Hz with the data acquisition system upgrade. Updated IGRF and geomagnetic coordinates. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 Sep 2023 (JY) Data flow started. Data File Header ---------------- System: MDASv1.0 Sensor: Bartington Mag03 Data Acquisition System: MDASv1.0 Software: BECA_1.0 Source of Data: Bureau of Meteorology Station: Norfolk Station Code: NLK IUWDS Station Code: 87301 Coordinates: [-29.04078 167.96272 143] GPS Fix: True Sensor Orientation: HDZ Number of Channel: 4 Voltage Offset: [0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.465700] Scaling Factor: [7000.000000 nT/V, 7000.000000 nT/V, 7000.000000 nT/V, 69.930000 degC/V] Descriptors: Date Time H_nT D_nt Z_nT Temp_degC Additional Information: Temp is measured at the sensor. Sensor range +/- 70,000nT, 7000nT/Volt. Scaling factor and voltage offset have already been applied. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 Oct 2023 (JY) Intermittent environmental noise has been found in the NLK magnetometer data. Because of the frequency of the noise and the size of some of the noise spikes, the NLK data can't be considered as operational. SW Networks is investigating the source of the noise.